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How to Organise your Road Case with Foam!

Shannon |

Road cases are great for easily transporting your larger AV equipment. But how do you house the small stuff like your microphones, belt packs, antennas and batteries? ⁣⁣How about using a foam insert?!

CNC machine cut foam inserts for 19" drawers

Foam Inserts for 19" Rack Drawers

Foam inserts ensure all of your items have a safe and secure (+ organised) place within the road case to avoid any damage. Titan AV offer DIY + Off-The-Shelf foam inserts for 19" rack drawers. Let’s take a look at them...

DIY foam inserts for 19" Rack Drawers

Our Do-It-Yourself foam inserts are pre-cut foam templates that perfectly fit into Titan AV 19” Rack Drawers. With these foam templates you're able to custom fit gear inside your road case 19" drawers.

5 easy steps to DIY Custom Cut EPE Foam

Titan AV DIY foam inserts are available in EPE foam + EVA foam in a variety of colours and shadow foam options.

Which Foam is Best?

We recommend EPE or EVA foam to create custom foam inserts - and honestly, they're both good.

Made from high density closed cell foam, EPE & EVA offer excellent durability, shock absorption & can be exposed to water without absorbing it which is particularly useful to prevent moisture & mould build up. Plus they offer good insulation properties to maintain an even temperature around your gear.

EPE Foam

EPE is a medium dense foam that's best known as the material used to make pool noodles. It’s easy to cut with a Stanley knife or blade, plus it’s around a third of the price of EVA foam. If you’re on a tight budget go with EPE foam.

EPE Foam

If you'd like to learn how to make your own insert using EPE follow our 5 easy steps to DIY Custom Cut EPE Foam!

EVA Foam

EVA hard high density foam (85kg/m3) is the hardest or firmest type of foam we offer. If you tour a lot or your gear cops a fair workout then EVA foam is the best choice for you. It's used to make thongs, yoga mats and blocks, packaging, boat decking and fenders, gym mats and cosplay costumes.

EVA Foam

Due to its greater density, EVA requires a Trim Router ($99 at Bunnings) to neatly carve into it. If you'd like to learn more about shaping EVA, read our article on How to Make Custom Inserts with EVA

Using a Trim Router to carve into EVA shadow foam

Need some inspiration?

Checkout this terrific custom made EVA foam drawer insert by one of our customers using Titan AV EVA Shadow foam.

DIY foam organisation with EVA Shadow Foam 19" Rack Drawer Insert

Premium Foam Inserts

If DIY isn't your thing or you're after that stylish machine cut finish checkout Titan AV's range of premium foam inserts.

Designed and manufactured in Australia for our Aussie live events and production crews. Titan AV have ready made inserts for Sennheiser EW series belt packs, wireless mics and omni-directional antennaShure UR2, SM58, ULXD1, ULXD2P9R IEM, UR1 and UR2.

Made from 40mm EVA foam, Titan AV premium inserts are designed to fit your gear neatly into Titan AV 19" rack drawers & waterproof hard cases. Precision cut by our team in Brisbane using CNC router machines for a super-satisfying perfect fit.



Give your gear the home they deserve with a premium foam insert by Titan AV.

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